Tropical temptress
THE MOST EXCITING SERIAL EVER FILMED! (original poster-all caps))
Warner Bros. happily brings Broadway's 'choice' comedy to the screen!
Chandler is a private eye. It's a hard way to make a living... and an easy way to die.
ROMANCE in Araby with a Sheik in Venice while a gondolier sings songs of Love in Paris while champagne bubbles
MORE GIGGLES...MORE GAGS...MORE GALS!... (original print ad - all caps)
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Die härtere Komödie
Six-Guns Roar...and the west blazes with action as fearless ranchers hurl a challenge that rocks the frontier! (original poster)
ROMANCE AND ADVENTURE IN THE GOLDEN WEST! (original poster-all caps)
NOW . . . Big-Time Vaudeville Revue!
EXPOSED! a fearless lawman fighting outlaws with their own weapons...uncovers a ruthless plot to swindle pioneers of their hard-gained land!