A warning to the Mayor: FLAP is here! The Indians have already claimed Alcatraz. City Hall may be next. You have been warned.
He took another man's woman. He killed another man's brother. Now he faces another kind of justice.
The Shape of Nightmares to Come...
It must be seen to be believed...
Before Madonna. Before Marilyn. There was Josephine.
The Newest Adventure. The Greatest Challenge.
Killer Vs. Killer
Revenge... Slow and fatal!
Ablaze with the gun-thundering terrors of the West's most violent days!
This is the story of the making...and the forging...of California...when men chose gold or God...the sword or the Cross!
GREAT SAGA OF THE FIGHTING SIOUX... (original ad - all caps)
Sioux and U.S. cavalry catch a grim trapper in their furious crossfire!