More fun than games.
Welcome to Mountaintop Motel - We have all the latest facilities for you - built-in torture chambers, adjoining cemetery, drowning pool acid saunas, hanging tree ('Horrors at Mountaintop Motel' tagline)
Elle est folle!
Success. Scandal. Sex. Tragedy. Infamy. And that's just the first reel...
Hitchcock would have been proud of this.
Ten years ago something terrible happened in this house... This weekend it's about to happen AGAIN.
The Screaming Never Stops ...
She'll love you to death.
He was McCarthy's loyal partner. The Kennedys' worst enemy. The F.B.I.'s best friend. The country's greatest nightmare.
Alien vampires have just landed from outer space... in search of the one substance they need to survive... TEENAGE BLOOD!
To avoid moral panic keep repeating: "They were only movies, only movies, only movies, only movies...".