THE WEST AT ITS WILDEST! (original poster-all caps)
«The story it took 3 separate safaris to film!»
The House of Ricordi...great music publishing family of Milan, fed the spark that flamed into the Golden Age of Italian Opera. It unleashed a tide of genius by fostering the careers of some of the greatest composers of all time...ROSSINI, DONIZETTI, BELLINI, VERDI and PUCCINI.
Ten million women wanted Hollywood's top star on a string...But the lucky ticket-holder had his wedding night wrapped up!
MEN GO FOR HER... (original ad - all caps)
Drama With a Different Beat!
Toughest of All Lawmen!
An opera fantasy
The BOMB-BLASTING STORY of an Air Force Wing That EXPLODES with the Intensity of an H-BOMB!