Фильмы и сериалы 1942 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1942 году
Девушка в свитере

The gal in everybody's heart singing songs that are on everybody's lips! (Newspaper ad cut).

Duke of the Navy

AHOY, SHIPMATES! AHOY! DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? (original poster - all caps)

Army Surgeon

HEROES IN WHITE...and the first Army Nurse to share their peril!

A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queen

Ellery Queen untangles a web of mystery!

When Johnny Comes Marching Home

FORWARD MARCH! for romance...rhythm...and fun!

Dawn on the Great Divide

UNKNOWN DANGERS HELD NO TERROR...for the covered wagon scouts..the Commandos of fierce frontier days! (original-print-ad)

The Valley of Vanishing Men


Берлинский корреспондент

He Lived Thru A Nazi Nightmare You'll Never Forget!

One Thrilling Night

Iy Happened UP IN MILLIE'S ROOM! The Wildest honeymoon on record! Woo! Woo! (original poster)

Butch Minds the Baby

Hard-Boiled Yeggs with Soft-Boiled Hearts!

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