Фильмы и сериалы 1935 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1935 году
Miss Pacific Fleet

The «gimmie gals» two-time their way thru the U.S. Fleet!

Воздушные ястребы

Super-flyer of the Stratsophere...defied the skies and made aviation history! (original ad)

Люби меня вечно

She Brings You the Grandest of All Musical Romances! (original poster)

Алиби Айк

a 4-BASE Hit!


A dramatic revelation of the greatest crisis in a woman's life. You'll thrill to this superb hit. (Print Ad- Leader-Post, ((Regina, Sask.)) 7 August 1935)

Life Returns

You have read of miracles in the Bible-now you can actually see one performed on the screen. (Print Ad-Victoria Daily Times, ((Victoria. BC)) 15 November 1938)

The Eagle's Brood

A Hard-Ridin' Guy Who Gets Right to the Shootin'!

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