Фильмы и сериалы 1926 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1926 году
Born to the West

A Good Old-Fashioned Knock-Down, Drag-Out, Blood-Tingling, He-Man Action Drama of the Great Open Spaces. (Print Ad- Easton Free Press,((Easton, Penna.)) 24 July 1926)

The Isle of Retribution

White death dogging her faltering steps in the trackless waste! (Print Ad- Easton Free Press,((Easton, Penna.)) 13 August 1926)

Теперь мы на флоте

Without Any Exaggeration «The Greatest Comedy of the Age» (Print Ad- Albany Evening News, ((Albany, NY)) 1 December 1926)

Только представьте

When they hailed him as Prince, they meant Prince-of-Good-Fellows, for only a prince of good fellows could have found a way to do and dare loves - and do as few men dare when it's love or duty! (original poster)

The Sporting Lover

A gleaming thoroughbred, a girl's wager for everything life holds dear settled on a single turn of a race track. The greatest bet ever placed. One of the most exciting stories brought to the screen. (Print Ad-Kentucky Standard, ((Bardstown, Ky.)) 21 October 1926)

Soldier Man

Here's a Roar! A bright bombardment of laughs from the fun trenches (Print Ad- Eugene Guard, ((Eugene, Ore.)) 8 October 1928)

The Wild Horse Stampede

WITH HIS WONDER-HORSE «SCOUT» AND HIS DOG PAL «REX» (original poster-all caps)

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