A dramatic page torn from life of one of those ever watchful guardians of our safety-The Police (Print Ad- Nashua Telegraph, ((Nashua, NH)) 7 April 1923)
YOU WILL SEE 600 Men charging an Army while all the world wondered The Running of an Actual English Derby of 70 years ago Old London Music Hall The Coronation Procession on the streets of London 85 years ago Travers' Escape from the Burning Gaol at Blackmoor The Battles of Sebastopol, Balaclava and Inkerman Love, Romance, Comedy, Spectacle and Thrills in the Greatest Picture Ever Made (Print Ad- The Record-News, ((Smith's Falls, P.O.)) 24 April 1923)
See this picture. It will make your home seem sweeter and your dear ones dearer. (Print Ad-Hempstead Sentinel, ((Hempstead, NY)) 9 February 1922)