Фильмы и сериалы 1986 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1986 году
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Once Upon A Time In China A New Hero Emerged...

Смертельный друг

She can't live without you.

На следующее утро

Last night she drank to forget. Today she woke up to a murder. Is he her last hope or the last man she should trust?

Нацисты-серфингисты должны умереть

The Beaches Have Become Battlefields... The Waves Are A War Zone!


In 1906 Carlo was born into a very large family, a family of artists and lovers, spinsters and fools. Now he's 80...and they're all coming to dinner.

Ничего общего

It's a comedy. And a drama. Just like life.

Кентервильское привидение

The castle they inherited features 48 rooms and one cranky ghost!

Капитан Ио

We are here to change the world!

Крутые мужики

After 30 years in jail, breaking the law is more fun than ever!

Орлы юриспруденции

Tom Logan has a law partner who put a dog on the witness stand. A client who can't enter a room without a crime being committed. And a case that could turn out to be the murder of the year. His.

Полночный джаз

The music and the magic come together...

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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