Based on a true story of a modern pioneer family who turned their backs on civilization...never to return.
Cody is an adventurer who is about to explore the depths of a legend.
SEE the Cave-Man Artist and His Dragon Maid Bride. The Famous Japanese Tea Gardens at Coronado. SEE a Japanese Maiden Taming a Wild Man of the Mountains. Beautiful Night Scenes in the Kingdom of Flowers. (Print Ad-Schenectady Gazette, ((Schenectady, NY)) 11 November 1919)
A man can learn a lot about himself on the river
Choosing good is the real pot of gold!
A Journey in Search of Eternal Love
Against treason and Navajo fury the U.S. cavalry rides !
On this mission, he's not a cop... he's a one man Delta Force!
There is no greater violence than a father's revenge for the rape of his daughter
Vengeance From Hell