It's Gotta Be A Great Picture! It has a new color process... TRUCOLOR!... a great western star... Monte Hale... and All your greatest western favorites... in an exciting outdoor adventure!
CHEATING the scales and chasing the blues...a hurricane hunt for an eight-ounce pound!
FANGS AND FURY ADVENTURE! (original ad - all caps)
Adventure! Romance!
The Battle of the Ages! The Undergraduates vs. The Over-Thirties!
Look Who's Cornered the STORK Market!
Such Fun! Such Romance! IT'S WONDERFUL!
'SURE, WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FIGHT!' (original print ad-all caps)
What a widow..snappier than flaming youth..she puts on the speed and goes husband hunting.. It's swell comedy of the peppiest kind! (Print Ad- Buffalo Courier-Express, ((Buffalo NY)) 14 June 1930)
It's about sisters. It's about sex. It's about breaking the law. Not necessarily in that order.