The Battle of the Ages! The Undergraduates vs. The Over-Thirties!
CHEATING the scales and chasing the blues...a hurricane hunt for an eight-ounce pound!
'SURE, WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FIGHT!' (original print ad-all caps)
FANGS AND FURY ADVENTURE! (original ad - all caps)
Adventure! Romance!
What a widow..snappier than flaming youth..she puts on the speed and goes husband hunting.. It's swell comedy of the peppiest kind! (Print Ad- Buffalo Courier-Express, ((Buffalo NY)) 14 June 1930)
It's about sisters. It's about sex. It's about breaking the law. Not necessarily in that order.
Look Who's Cornered the STORK Market!
TEMPTATION IN THE WILDERNESS! (original ad - all caps)
Prairie Prowlers Defy the Devil-May-Care Rangers!
Such Fun! Such Romance! IT'S WONDERFUL!