The Story Of A Man Who Dares To Stand His Ground-- Until They Blow It Out From Under Him!
This is the Orient Few Eyes Have Seen - This is Suspense Few Motion Pictures Have Captured!
Tonight your television set becomes a time machine to the 22nd century.
You'll Howl With Glee as This N.Y. Cop Takes Over!
Thrills Come Rocketing to the Screen as Science Smashes a New Frontier!
A story incomparable of a people unconquerable.
The story of a woman's shame!
Sometimes the truth gets carried to the grave. It's time to dig it up.
Espionage that began with a kiss !
Reach for a piece of sky, stranger...or you'll get six feet of earth!
only if you like gripping suspense and surprise endings...
Not a War Picture- But a war picture in the making! -Planes flying, crashing, while below cameras grind, and an inhuman genius drives men to destruction for the supreme thrill! (Print Ad- Evening Leader, ((Corning, NY)) 19 March 1932)
He's a Go-Get-'Em Guy for the U.S.A. on a Treason Trail that leads Half-a-World Away!
The race that drove Africa wild!
Det begyndte som drengestreger. Pludselig var det alvor: Kammeratskabet, kærligheden - og krigen. (It began as pranks. Suddenly it was serious: The friendship, the love - and the war.)