It's its new type of thrills!
In this Georgia family kinship means anything goes!
GLITTER OF LIFE OR GLORY OF LOVE? Only Ann Harding Could Endow Such Drama with the Jeweled Brilliance of great Art! (Print Ad- Auckland Star, ((Aukland, NZ)) 30 April 1932)
Love is NOT patient, Love is NOT kind.
Higher and higher! Faster and faster! She gave herself to the great god Speed, and tried to run away from the fires within her!
The story of a woman's shame!
THE great lovers of "The Big Parade" together again in another picture, entirely different...but just as fascinating!
THE TAP-HAPPIEST, SWING-SINGIEST, MELODIC MIRACLE SINCE "ZIEGFELD GIRL"! (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal- Midway Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - September 5, 1943 - all caps)
It hits with slashing fury!