LIPS ON LIPS with a thrill of love you'll never forget The screen's perfect love match (Print Ad-Norwalk Hour, ((Norwalk, Conn.)) 2 July 1937)
He didn't report the news ... he made it.
It is impossible to find all virtues on a unique man.
'GET YOUR WEAPON FROM A JAP!',,,but you'll have to kill him first! (original poster)
Sometimes It's Right To Do the Wrong Thing.
Incredible but true!
This summer isn't exactly a hole in one.
Following in the hilarious fun-steps of «Mister Roberts»
What goes on in prison is a crime.
Meet Eugene Jerome and his family, fighting the hard times and sometimes each other.
Tense and tender ... the down-to-earth drama of a pair of flying fools who rose to new heights of ecstasy on the wings of love.
If you can't live someplace nice, the next best thing is to live on the way