Nothing but fun! (Title lobby card).
She said she KNEW his kiss! But what do you think? (Print Ad- The Telegraph, ((Brisbane Qld.)) 30 June 1932)
His was a desperate destiny!
A Show That Chases the Blues From Start to Finish!
The Mightiest of Them All!
ROMANCE in Araby with a Sheik in Venice while a gondolier sings songs of Love in Paris while champagne bubbles
Featuring the voice of Barbieri of the Metropolitan and the magnificent Rome Opera Company.
In the swellest suite of the world's ritziest hotel...a lovely but lonely miss tries a fling at life without knowing how flings are flung...till a romantic bellboy launches her on a glorious adventure that lands her in the arms of a prince! (Print Ad- Daily Times, ((Rochester, Penna.)) 3 October 1935)
She's Hollywood's next big thing... He's Hollywood.