For the millions who loved «Little Fugitive»
BATTLING, BLASTING, BLAZING BUCK JONES...With grit and sand enough for a regiment, lives his greatest role of all! (original poster)
He Asked For A MURDER and HE GOT ONE!
Mary Roberts Rinehart's Character! Comedy Surprise Hit Of The Year!
A picture to storm your heart and sweep your senses . . . Drama behind palace doors . . . Drama on the battlefield . . . A world of conflict and emotion, brought to you in a picture that for sheer beauty and magnitude stands alone! . . . Don't Miss It!
By Day, a Polo-Playing Socialite...By Night, King of the Racket Mob! (original poster)
HE'S GOT A VOICE LIKE A NIGHTINGALE..But a Sock Like a MULE! (Print Ad- Victoria Daily Times, ((Victoria, BC)) 4 December 1939)
See the Washington "marry-go-round!" Listen to the fire-side cats! Get the Newest Deal in Laughs! Here's what the newspapers and newsreels don't show you. Washington with its hair seen by the women behind the men behind the nation. It's a comedy knockout with a capital Kay. The play that shocked the Capitol rocks the nation...with laughter. (Print Ad- Staunton Star-Times, ((Staunton, Ills.)) 30 December 1937)
They spent their honeymoon on the FRONT PAGE!
WHO ARE THE MASKED RIDERS? They flamed along the Arizona border, raiding the range, baffling cowmen and Cavalry...until a reckless rider with a gun full of lead and a heart full of fight moved in!
The screen's funniest sleuth and sleuthess...on the trail of another crime!
THE INSIDE STORY Of Your Family...Every Man's Family (original poster)
IT'S be young and in love!