«READ HER DIARY» (original poster - all caps)
A prize ring romance that will smash right into the hearts of every man who has ever fought and of every woman who has ever wished her man would fight-even if he bled a bit. (Print Ad- Hackettstown Gazette,((Hackettstown, NJ)) 15 June 1928)
PETER B. KYNE'S BEST AND MOST DRAMATIC STORY OF A MODERN GOLD RUSH (Print ad- Evening News, ((San Jose, Calif.)) 5 March 1927)
Where did the Red lights come from? Who sent the Continental Limited to almost certain disaster in the Grand Canyon? (Print Ad- Bakersfield Californian, ((Bakersfield, Calif.)) 20 September 1923)
Father and Son- one the executioner, the other a convict whom he hated- the tragic story of love on a penal island- the convict's love for a girl, coveted by his own father! (Print Ad-Tuscaloosa News, ((Tuscaloosa, Ala.)) 7 July 1929)