A true sweetheart of the West!
A golfing story of the West, Cowboys and golf balls- six-shooters and golf clubs- cattle rustlers and petticoats in a merry melange of mirth-provoking screen entertainment. (Print ad- Canberra times,(( Canberra, A.C.T.)) 8 September 1928)
BAFFLING WESTERN MYSTERY PHOTO-PLAY! (original poster - all caps)
ROY WRITES THE LAW WITH FLAMING BULLETS! (original print ad - all caps)
RED RYDER BLAZES A NEW THRILL TRAIL Rounding Up the «Rustlers of Devils Canyon»
daredevil.. TIM McCOY...rides and fights his way thru...''DARING DANGER' (original lobby card)
Bob Steele packs a wicked punch in his newest picture...A whiz of a Western...filled with fists...gripping with gunplay...bloody with battles!
SILVERY VOICED BUCKAROO (all posters and ads-all caps)
A new star in the saddle to spur you to cheers and stir you to song!
Nothing Will Stop Me...All I Need Is A Man And A Gun!'
NO GUNS ALLOWED! Better park em in the lobby when you come to see----(original ad)
Rough-riding---Fast-Shooting - THRILLS! (original poster)
CLEAR THE RANGE...for Action!
THUNDERING THRILLS WITH THIS BLAZING ACTION STAR! (original poster in all upper-case letters))