Daringly takes you behind the studio gates!!!
That Ridin», Fightin» Son-of-the-West! (original poster)
The film Hollywood does not want you to see!
Their mistake was leaving him alive
Six superstars. They have the fame and fortune, but who will survive the chaos?
A story too weird to tell, but we're gonna try!
It got so that when a girl looked into his eyes, she wanted to swap her apartment for a tent, trade the Packard for a camel, and try housekeeping on the Sahara. (Print Ad-Niagra Falls Gazette, ((Niagra Falls, NY)) 15 February 1926)
Reality is an Illusion in the City of Broken Dreams.
There is nothing more sick, twisted & weird than the reality on the red carpets in Hollywood.
It Ain't Just The City Of Angels, You Know?