HIS PEAK OF ADVENTURE! (original print ad - all caps)
HAVE A FUN-FILLED VACATION! Toe-Tapping Machete Head Dances! Glamourous Zombie-Style Cosmetic Surgery! Fabulous Air-Conditioned Tiger Pits!
Hidden City Of Women... Forbidden To Men!
The Greatest Tarzan Is Back!
If you could hear it, you could run... If you could see it, you could hide... If it had a body, you could kill ...
The story of a fantastic journey into the heart of Africa a century ago...
Doorway to Japan !
Удивительное путешествие в самый загадочный мир на планете
Action with the Battling Leathernecks!
When faith is not enough, we must act.
Ambition is good; greed can kill you.