A new kind of terror takes root...
The Movie That Grabs TV by the Dials and Won't Let Go!
How could it happen to Janet...so shy, so young, and so much like yourself? Where did she go wrong... and why... WHY... WHY?
When the love story ends, the nightmare begins.
Beware the house that comes alive with terror!
Under pressure to defend a preacher's daughter accused of murder, a Savannah attorney is forced to face the sin that haunts him.
They each made a choice... and both of them were costly.
«If you stop feeling pain, you can start using it.»
The first serious study of sex in Australia (in a funny sort of way).
He went looking for a man for her. And found himself.
One drinks. One swears. One sleeps around. One doesn't. You're gonna love 'em both.
En fim om ungdomens möte med kärleken
THE BOOK THAT SET FIRE TO THE NATION Is Burning Up The screen! (Print Ad- The Pampa Daily News,((Pampa, Texas)) 22 October 1933)