Original cartoon strip by Dick Calkins and Phil Nolan - Based on the Buck Rogers newspaper feature owned and copyrighted by John F. Dille Co. (original posters)
Filmed in Color amid the grandeur of the High Sierras !
For The Fast Gun...For a Sheriff's Badge This Was The Land of Reckoning!
An all-live-action picture.
PAST APACHE AMBUSH...PAST TREACHERY'S SILKEN NET!...Five Dead Men Led Jim Slater Down a Trail of No Return!
Travellers. Partners. Lovers. Robbers.
M.G.M. presents a Great Drama of Flaming Frontiers !
...when the running stops and the bullets begin
The exciting loves and battles of America's first 'Two-Gun' Woman!
The Rise and Fall of a Maori Rebel
Wanted: For chicanery, skulduggery, tomfoolery and habitual bungling!
A million dollars is the prize ... but the game is deadly.
They told the Doolin-Dalton Gang where to go. Then...they went with them.
ROUGHER, TOUGHER, MORE ROMANTIC THAT EVER! (original and reissue posters)