WHAT GOES ON INSIDE? They'll come to find out! (original print ad)
FIGHTING AGAINST ODDS...Nothing Could Stop This FIGHTING DYNAMO! (Print Ad-Ludington Daily News, ((Ludington, Mich.)) 30 June 1944)
The Cowboys kicked him around the ranch and the rustlers bucked him out of the saddle but the prettiest girl in the Golden West couldn't shake him loose when it came to love-making.
DETECTIVE BILL CRANE AGAIN!...Wise-cracking around for clues...And making them fit...In a thrill-filled mystery drama!
Suddenly...disaster struck at the happiness of these two lovers...as raging flood waters swept them into the dark terror of the night!
Ringside seats for a crime!
They've Gone COLLEGE CRAZY! It's their dizziest laff hit!
When she takes over the professor...she's in a class by herself!
It's His Top Thriller! (original poster)
Betty Gets a Job (original poster)