Welcome to Hell... (German 2012 re-release)
ONE THRILL AFTER ANOTHER! (original poster)
En el amor se las sabía todas... hasta que se enfrentó a «La Valentina»... (He knew everything about love... until he confronted «La Valentina»...)
Victor wants all the spoils...but Brian spoils his chances!
The Monumental Achievement in Adult Motion Pictures!
JUNGLE THRILLS AND VOODOO MADNESS IN THE HEART OF THE DARK CONTINENT!..as men come face to face with ferocious beasts and killer crazed savages to claim the Uranium mines of Africa! (original poster)
Living Fast...Dying Young!
BEAUTY TO LOVE...BANDITS TO FIGHT! (original poster - all caps)
From the newspaper strip by Charles Flanders owned and copyrighter by King Features Synidcate
A vivid tale of savage adventure!
GRIPPING With ACTION...GREAT With EXCITEMENT...World-Famous G-Men hold you spellbound in the most smashing serial you've ever seen!