SIX-GUNS ROAR! as leaden law rules the roads!
Tracking down spies...cracking down on killers...the airwaves' great fighter zooms to glory!
a 4-BASE Hit!
Starring Vivita as «Acid Head»...a new name in Horror!
You're either in, or you're in the way!
Opening a door by mistake made her 'The Important Witness' to the century's most gruesome crime! (Print Ad-The Meriden Daily Journal,((Meriden, Conn.)) 8 September 1933)
I'm being chased by the meanest, nastiest, ugliest gang in town... But I'm not takin' any bull.
A U.S. Marshall... investigates gold robbers and murders
The fastest boats afloat! The gayest romance you've ever thrilled at , in a glamorous setting of the millionaire's playground of the Pacific! (original ad)
Wake your sinister urges