A Fiery Romantic Story of...Courageous Men and Beautiful Women Who Played the Most Dangerous Game on Earth! (original six-sheet poster)
The games we never saw...
Lover...or Love-Mad?
ZORRO - Crack shot, super swordsman...known to few, his iron hand is felt by all who dare defy the law! (original print ad)
Another Great Role - Another Blazing Triumph for the Winner of the 1930 Best Performance Award
THE GIANT MUSICAL HIT OF THE YEAR! (original ad - all caps)
California's fight for freedom!
REWARD! for the capture of Pancho Lopez DEAD OR ALIVE!
A BOY AND HIS HORSE...Yet their story of Courage...Devotion...and Suspense...Is one you will never forget!
Adventurer Beyond Daring! (original poster)
IN HER ARMS...he forgot he was outside the law!