A Fiery Romantic Story of...Courageous Men and Beautiful Women Who Played the Most Dangerous Game on Earth! (original six-sheet poster)
THE GIANT MUSICAL HIT OF THE YEAR! (original ad - all caps)
Lover...or Love-Mad?
Another Great Role - Another Blazing Triumph for the Winner of the 1930 Best Performance Award
California's fight for freedom!
Adventurer Beyond Daring! (original poster)
A BOY AND HIS HORSE...Yet their story of Courage...Devotion...and Suspense...Is one you will never forget!
IN HER ARMS...he forgot he was outside the law!
Competing Mexican drug cartels are destroying each other... and that's where 'Warrior' begins...
THE CISCO KID is out for MURDER! (original poster)
WHOOPEE! Look who's here!!! The screen's outstanding man of action in a smashing WESTERN SERIAL.
REWARD! for the capture of Pancho Lopez DEAD OR ALIVE!
They Carved a Scar of Ravaging Terror Across The West!
ZORRO - Crack shot, super swordsman...known to few, his iron hand is felt by all who dare defy the law! (original print ad)