Tales To Chill The Blood
George Agnew Chamberlain's great adventure romance of the African jungles (Print Ad-Seattle Star, ((Seattle, Wash.)) 8 January 1925)
Trap that murderer!
A child doesn't do something like that for no good reason, does she?
IN ALL THE WORLD NO SHOW LIKE THIS! (original ad - all caps)
Cloak And Dagger Operations Exposed. Secret Agent Charlie Bind O.O.O.H! Takes The Lid Off The Funniest Spy Story Of The Year!
The birth of the bow street runners.
The truth behind Shakespeare could rewrite history.
Behind the story of Benedict Arnold were secrets until recently unknown
A Silk Hat Sinner! A Suave Love Saint! The cavalier of crime, the most fascinating character Ronald Coleman has played! An amateur cracksman- but an expert in love! (Print Ad-Rhinebeck Gazette, ((Rhinebeck, NY)) 20 September 1930)