Rosalind returns to comedy...with a BANG!
Spine-tingling thrills as Ray and Paulette trap a barebacked spy in a barefaced lie! (original herald)
A Zany Laff Spree IN GAY PAREE!
LAUGH at the looney guys! LOOK at the lovely girls LISTEN to those tantalizing tunes.
Three funsters in a fast moving farce about the goofiest gangster that ever put a guy on a spot.
A Strange Tale to Thrill you!
1951's MAMMOTH MUSICAL JAMBOREE! (original poster-all caps)
Heavyweight comedy sensation!
Revenge Rides The Range...As your favorite action ace takes to the trail of a desperate gang of killers who dare write their own laws...with blood! (origonal poster)
How Can a Girl Tell- When She Gets the Wrong Answer to a Maiden's Prayer? (Print Ad)