Just a couple of song writers with a baby grand...and a grand baby...
The Musical Love Story of Pan-America! (original poster)
THE PEAK OF SWING PLAYED BY THE RHYTHM KING! (original poster - all caps)
WORLD'S FUNNIEST CINEMA CLOWNS (original poster-all caps)
Look... but don't touch! She's DEADLY GAME
TOPS IN ROMANCE...GREAT IN ITS HILARIOUS COMEDY!! (original print ad - all caps)
All his girls wear togas or they wear nothing at all
Hell Everybody! This is JOAN DAVIS...clowning...go-to-towning...singing...dancing...spooning in my most entertaining picture to date!
THE BIGGEST, BRIGHTEST, HAPPIEST HIT OF THE SEASON! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Tech Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - March 1, 1945 - all caps)