Rugged Saga Of Suspense And Violence On The High Seas! (original poster)
War on the range... In a fight for right and romance!
OUT OF THE COMICS...INTO YOUR HEART! Everybody's Favorites Brought To Life In A Rousing Action-Romance!
LARRUPIN' LAWYER Breaks Bandit Bands Strangle-hold on Two Frontier Towns!
Renfrew Of The Royal Mounted Hunts The Mad Inventor Of A Mystery-Murder Machine!
SHE TAMED THE 'GHOST'! (original poster-all caps)
An Action-Packed Expose of Cattle Rustling Today
THE FABULOUS JAMES BOYS...Wanted By The Law...Hunted By Outlaws! (original poster)
An Idol of the Screen Becomes a Terror of the the Guns of Gangland Roar!
ROMANCE RIDES WITH ADVENTURE! (original print ad - all caps)
PACKS A DOUBLE WALLOP in THRILLS and ACTION! (original poster)
Would you trust a doctor who boasts he's FATAL TO WOMEN! (original poster)
The most beautiful clue that ever lured men to danger!