It's a Shocker! Thriller! and a Laugh! (original poster)
The heroic idol of young America!
ROARING ROUND-UP OF SONG-STUDDED THRILLS! (original poster - all caps)
SUSPENSE CHARGED SERIAL THRILLS!...As The Monster Ruler Wreaks His Mad Vengeance Upon All Who Dare To Defy Him! (original poster)
The Thrilling Drama of a Man's Last Chance!
THIS IS IT! MY TRUE DTORY was filmed in cooperation with the editors of «True Story MAgazine»
FIRST SCORCHING EXPOSE! (original poster-all caps)
His Mask Meant REVENGE! His Knife Meath DEATH! (original poster)
He Asked For A MURDER and HE GOT ONE!
EXPOSED! a fearless lawman fighting outlaws with their own weapons...uncovers a ruthless plot to swindle pioneers of their hard-gained land!
A plucky Irish kid sees red when crooked gamblers work the double-cross on his big brother...and starts a one-man war to put them in the big house! (original poster)
This picture dares to rip the mask off ruthless...merciless roadside resort mobsters that use lonely girls...hundreds of lure men to disaster! (original print ad)
HERE COMES BILL with both guns blazing...blasting the bandits from the range!