Some memories can be fatal.
Roaring ACTION! Riotous ROMANCE!
San Francisco is the scene of Chan's newest and most baffling mystery!
When the family fortune runs out, the laughs rush in.
Singing...dancing...romancing in a heart-teasing moon-time adventure of a movie star in love with herself...and a man
BILL HICKOK...PATHFINDER...PLAINSMAN...PIONEER...reliving America's most colorful days!
Do Ask. Do Tell.
HIS HOBBY IS MURDER! Mr. Wong's main interest is solving murders - and he's an expert at it! Watch Collier's Magazine's famous Chinese sleuth trick a triple-killer into giving himself away...for the mystery thrill of you life! (original poster)
Meet the oddest and funniest couple of the year!
His Music Told of Love He Dared Not Whisper!
MASTER GUNMAN! LAWLESS LOVER! (original print ad - all caps)