Women Are TOUGH Angels... They Can Handle Anything That Flies... Except A Pilot!
KILLERS STALK THE HEAVENS! (original poster-all caps)
From Newspaper and Radio to the SCREEN...comes the Greatest OF ALL ADVENTURE THRILLS!
The most fascinating people the gods of chance ever swept up into high adventure!
MORE THRILLS THAN A POWER DIVE! (original poster-all caps)
BEAUTY TO LOVE...BANDITS TO FIGHT! (original poster - all caps)
The funniest marriage chase since Eve trapped Adam
UNTAMED FURY that ruled the West!
She taught him to KILL---to keep her in perfume! (original poster)
ONE THRILL AFTER ANOTHER! (original poster)
SHOCKING SUSPENSE...in the Smash Story of the Screen! (original poster)
The Amazing Drama of a Nazi Ace in the RAF!
ALL-TALKING! (original poster- all caps)