Death rides the clouds
Anywhere is better than here
Funniest Film In The History Of Roar-Fare!
Bigger Than «Here Comes The Navy» !
AIRPLANE SPY RING EXPOSED BY SECRET SERVICE! NOw you can see the amazing inside story of how Uncle Sam's secret guardians smash vicious international air spies! (original poster)
Drama, Thrills, and Excitement that would rival the films they set out to make
First big story of the RAF's 'Foreign Legion'!
A Man's Courage and a Woman's Faith Put to the Supreme Test
The riotous story of an airline stewardess! Look at the big four-star cast!
SPEED was his middle name! On the track-in love- the sky was the speed limit! (Print Ad- Rochester Democrat and Chronicle,((Rochester, NY)) 6 October 1929)
KILL OR BE KILLED! It's the primitive code of the frozen north...where reckless men gamble their lives for a fortune in furs...and fight for a smile from a pretty girl!