THE PHANTOM KILLER STRIKES! Only a terrified woman knows the secret of this ghostly murderer...who strikes in the night and leaves no clues---but his victims!
See the bombing of Tokyo before your very eyes!
THE DYNAMIC HERO OF THE AIR-WAVES - NOW A DASHING HERO ON THE SCREEN (original six-sheet poster - all caps)
GLITTER OF LIFE OR GLORY OF LOVE? Only Ann Harding Could Endow Such Drama with the Jeweled Brilliance of great Art! (Print Ad- Auckland Star, ((Aukland, NZ)) 30 April 1932)
In Warden We Trust
A story incomparable of a people unconquerable.
Sometimes it takes a lifetime to settle a score.
«Shows what life in America is really like!»
The true story of one woman's courage against the brutality of the Third Reich.
Two hearts in a crashing world stealing kisses in a love that destroyed kings, fired the powder keg of a fatal red dawn! (original print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche, Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - Sept. 8, 1934)