A TRAGIC DRAMA WITH A HAPPY ENDING(original poster - all caps)
IT'S RURAL, RHYTHMIC, ROMANTIC! (original print ad-all caps)
It's ship-shapely all-girl crew took turns shaping up for the captain's watch
The greatest comedy cast ever assembled for one picture!
The dangerous extremes one will go to in order to escape loneliness
She's a panic in pigtails! (original poster)
Every Gamer Wants to Score
More Gripping Than Any Picture Since 'THE MIRACLE MAN" (original poster)
A virile drama of a real man's fight against fate. (Print Ad-Warsaw Daily Times, ((Warsaw, Ind.)) 8 June 1920)
MURDER WAS HIS PASSPORT! (original print ad - all caps)
GUARDED BY GHOSTS...DEATH TO THE FIRST WHO TOUCHES THE TREASURE OF SAN CAPELLO! But love commands! Two alone defy the curse of centuries! (original poster)
To understand life, sometimes we must be willing to challenge death...