Look Who's Cornered the STORK Market!
They couldn't live without the spotlight. They couldn't share it either.
Once TO EVERY WOMAN COMES A LOVE LIKE THIS! And once to every man the chance to prove worthy of it! (Print Ad- Greenfield Recorder-Gazette, ((Greenfield, Mass.)) 9 March 1937)
A new laugh hit from the studio that gave you 'The Awful Truth'!
Legenda se vrací. (The legend is back.)
He puts the unfair sex on the spot (print ad)
HE WAS THE "TALK" OF THE TOWN - He knew everything --- except when to shut up!
Scandal and treachery, love and passion, stalk through the corridors of this mighty tower! (Print Ad- St. Petersburg Times, ((St. Petersburg, Fla.)) 14 August 1932)
He's had a mistress. She's had enough
It's like eavesdropping on life itself!