Here it is!!
Ace Wise-Cracker Crashes Ritzy Circle! (Print Ad-Courtland Standard, ((Courtland, NY)) 28 June 1930)
FIGHTING AGAINST ODDS...Nothing Could Stop This FIGHTING DYNAMO! (Print Ad-Ludington Daily News, ((Ludington, Mich.)) 30 June 1944)
IT'S A CYCLONE OF SIX-GUNS! A blitzkrieg of bullets and badmen!
OUT OF THE COMICS...INTO YOUR HEART! Everybody's Favorites Brought To Life In A Rousing Action-Romance!
DRAMA FLAMES as a Girl from Iowa Assumes the Throne of "King" Bradley - Iron-Fisted Master of a Million Dollar Night Life Empire! (original poster)
Ringside seats for a crime!
DEATH HAUNTS THE CARNIVAL! In one breath-taking episode after another! Don't Miss It! (original poster)
Thrills and laughter---fast action---great riding---genuine comedy---true romance---and positively a thrill a minute! A GIBSON you don't want to miss!
You're a great big bundle of muscle, kid!!
GANGLAND INVADES THE FIGHT GAME! Palooka stalked by knife-killer...Humphrey turns Knobby Walsh is kidnapped by murder mob!
TWO PALS BATTLE FOR THE HEAVYWEIGHT CROWN! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - March 8, 1938 - all caps)
A FIGHTING FOOL IN THE PRIZE RING AND ON THE RANGE (original six-sheet poster - all caps)