Фильмы и сериалы 1961 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1961 году
Сила и слава

Out of Graham Greene's novel that made the world gasp--the drama of a priest who somehow stumbled onto the road to martyrdom (European theatrical release)


Hercules... Atlas... Goliath... Mighty Ursus towers above them all!

Сливовое лето

A Summer of Evil...And a Young Girl's Cruel Awakening!

Молодые доктора

Desires and Fears Screaming to Explode!

Возвращение в Пейтон Плейс

It Begins Where Peyton Place Left Off...It looks into the face of the town...down its streets where shame became famous...into the lives of its people, so secretly shrouded in bigotry and false morality. It takes you back to "Peyton Place"...the town afraid to let the outside world look in. It lets you discover what happened the day Allison returned - to defend herself against the truth "Peyton Place" called indecent...they way of life it called promiscuous.


Vibrant Youth Dashing From Want to Want and From Pleasure to Pleasure!


The lashing slashing drama of The Hellions and the town they violated!

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