One LONG Laugh From Start To Finish!
Roy cuts loose with action and the West bursts out in song...(original print ad)
Action...Songs...Adventure...Packed With Thrills And Color!
Bullet-Blazing Action...with the DURANGO KID!
HE'S A MAN ABOUT TOWN (Population: 253)
«Kiss me and keep kissing me...until you can make me forget!»
THRILLING, CHEERING ROMANCE! (original print media ad - all caps)
One chose to die...that another might love again! (original poster)
Zane Grey's great romance of the west.
Ride the Cockpits of Thrills...With the Dare-Devils who Drive the Speeding Midgets!
They Killed For Gold,...and a Girl! No Law Could Stop Their Mad Battle For Riches And Romance!