Thrilling! Chilling! Killing Mystery Comedy!
If Harry gets a dozen kisses for cheering the flag, imagine what loving he gets when he wins a war. He'll shake you loose from more laughs than you ever thought were in your system.
A battle cry of syncopation-steaming with sizzling romance. (Print Ad- Rochester Evening Journal,((Rochester, NY)) 10 September 1929)
A virgin chosen to bear a living GOD!
A wreck at sea- Isolation on a tropical island with a lone man- Then LOVE! (Print Ad- Bismarck Daily tribune, ((Bismarck ND)) 2 March 1920)
A New Kind of a Western with a New Kind of a Star--DON'T MISS IT!
A Diamond Miner Who Works the Canyons of Gay Broadway!
A new answer to the old story.