From the world's most sinister best-seller comes...
Inspecting Every Woman, One Breast at a Time!
Mrs. Pollifax, The Spy Who Came Out Of The Kitchen.
ONE THRILL AFTER ANOTHER! (original poster)
Very, Very Gay! When the Sultan's Away, and the Royal Magician Starts to the Harem! (original ad)
Sentenced to death...AT FIVE O'CLOCK TEA! (original print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Palace Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - Sept. 9, 1934)
You gotta admit; it's a pretty piece of masonry, that Alcatraz. But it never was a choice spot for a vacation.
Spine-tingling thrills as Ray and Paulette trap a barebacked spy in a barefaced lie! (original herald)
HOT OFF THE AIRWAVES! (original print ad - all caps)
The ultimate weapon is missing. And the thief intends to use it
Ich soll Dein Schatten sein!