Who's really running the country?
MORE FUN...MORE MUSIC...The Weavers set a new high for movie frolics with the gayest, singingest, laughingest of their inimitable hillbilly pictures!
He Dared Death To Save A Stranger!... Why?
The Final Battle for the Civil War's Last Soldier!
THUNDERING ACTION! As a new hero of the plains challengers the might of an armed band of cutthroats...(original poster)
Bitter cost of democracy
DAD TOSSES HIS HAT IN THE RING and what a tossing around he gets! (Print Ad- Askov American, ((Askov, Minn.)) 28 October 1937)
A Low-Cut Gown «takes» the town! (original poster)
Some Face The Future Head On. Tonight The Boys At The Alamo Face It Dead Drunk.
IT'S FUN! (original print ad - all caps)