A mighty British Naval Epic Picture 40,000 MEN! 35 SHIPS (Print Ad- Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, ((Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)) 15 September 1928)
Company of 2,000 in cast - It took a whole year to make it! (original poster)
Exploding on the Screen!
His Love Was a Blazing Scourge That Seared the Souls of Women. (Print Ad-Rochester Evening Journal, ((Rochester, NY)) 28 May 1934)
Your pulse beat will quicken; you'll smile and cry as you see this inspired drama of a sinner made saint. (Print ad-Bend Bulletin, ((Bend, Ore.)) 27 June 1929)
THE BOOK THAT SET FIRE TO THE NATION Is Burning Up The screen! (Print Ad- The Pampa Daily News,((Pampa, Texas)) 22 October 1933)