The faith of a fighting parson...the fury of a killer's kiss! He shielded an outlaw to save his soul...while his wife fought the love in her heart for a killer!
A speeding car chase through the tommy-gun '30s
The Truth Lies Within Their Eyes
Will you be our mommy?
BILLY RINGO...Once more he strapped on his guns...once more the West felt his fury! (original poster)
IN HER ARMS...he forgot he was outside the law!
Look out! The arch criminal is here!
They Carved a Scar of Ravaging Terror Across The West!
They kidnapped his son. They forced him to steal 14 million dollars. Then they made their biggest mistake. They trusted him.
Your Daughters Will Never Be Safe Again!
They're back - tougher than ever!
SIX-GUNS SING OUT FOR JUSTICE! (original print ad - all caps)
Figuring out a grand time for you! (one-sheet poster).