Please do not disturb the guests... They already are!
The most daring LOVE GAMBLE a woman ever made!
The perfect crime by perfect strangers
Has a woman the right to revenge a slight in love? (Print Ad- Rockingham Post-Dispatch, ((Rockingham, NC)) 14 May 1931)
Triple murder for high stakes! A new high in mystery excitement! And laughs, too!
From London to the Riviera, a hair-raising tale of gallant love and truly desperate adventure!
UNCLE SAM'S DARING T-MEN WILL PAY ANY PRICE - EVEN THEIR LIVES to get these bills...and the ruthless super-gang that makes them!
THE MOST LOVABLE ROLE EVER PLAYED BY EDW. G. ROBINSON (Print ad- Albany Times-Union,((Albany, NY)) 2 March 1934)