IT'S THEIR TOUGHEST BATTLE! (original print ad-all caps)
A FORTUNE IN BLACK GOLD...And A Woman's Heart At Stake!
Too much paradise
KILLERS STALK THE HEAVENS! (original poster-all caps)
BEAUTY TO LOVE...BANDITS TO FIGHT! (original poster - all caps)
ONE THRILL AFTER ANOTHER! (original poster)
GREASED LIGHTNING STREAKS ACROSS THE TURBILENT PLAINS...when Tim lights out on the bandit trail..Stirring outdoor action packs this gripping, dramatic story of the West's tooth-and-nail fight against the lowest of low criminals - the water thief - it's ADVENTURE IN HIGH (original poster)
PIRACY ON THE PRAIRIE Till Rangebuster Guns Start Dealing Death And Destruction! (original one-sheet poster)
THE LAND OF LAWLESSNESS! (original ad - all caps)
THUNDERING ACTION! As a new hero of the plains challengers the might of an armed band of cutthroats...(original poster)
HE'S A TRIGGER-QUICK GUY! And The Toughest Badmen Can't Stop Him (original poster)
Six-Guns Roar...and the west blazes with action as fearless ranchers hurl a challenge that rocks the frontier! (original poster)
Riding for the LAW...FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE! (original poster)