A hero in the K-9 Corps!
DO WOMEN KNOW THEIR OWN HEARTS? The one didn't until almost too late!
The BIG THREE Of The Golden West... They're Dynamite!
More than a western...a perfect combination of romance, drama thrills and comedy. (Print Ad-Lewiston Daily Sun, ((Lewiston, Me.)) 12 May 1934)
HE DARES DEATH FOR VENGEANCE! (original ad - all caps)
GRIPPING With ACTION...GREAT With EXCITEMENT...World-Famous G-Men hold you spellbound in the most smashing serial you've ever seen!
Only One Would Leave Gunsight Ridge Alive! (original poster)
GRIPPING THRILLER! (original poster)
WRECK'EM COWBOY! AND HE DID to the tune of flying fists and flaming guns! (original poster)
The rough & tumble 70s Aussie outback classic.
SHE'S MAD ABOUT MURDER! and when Kitty gets mad...there's a howl-a-minute hilarity for you!