FUN STARS ! TUNE-STARS! LOVE-STARS! Hep-steppers and Happy Honeys!
Thrill to Songs of Romance --- "Song of the Rose" - Ride, Amigos, Ride" - "What Care I" (original poster)
STRANGE AND STIRRING ADVENTURE, THRILLS! (original poster- all caps)
A fast-moving...suspenseful jewel mystery...set against the colorful background of today's San Francisco!
IT'S MOIDER! You'll almost die laughing...when these keyhole watchers tangle with a killer!
CALL THE RIOT SQUAD! For the Biggest Laugh Riot in All Mystery History! (original poster)
'Gee, Joe, you're the swellest pal a guy ever had.' (original lobby card 2)
The Final Battle for the Civil War's Last Soldier!
NEW Romantic Adventure Drama!
The Scorching, Reckless JOY RIDES of Wild Girls of the Road!
A 'Western' that's different!