He's the Only Cop Who Can Con the Mafia Out of $3,000,000 in Heroin!
a 4-BASE Hit!
Reporter chases killer ... and vice-versa !
Lunacy One Mile Ahead.
When they Switch brains, a GIRLIE MAN turns a LADIES MAN into a WILD MAN!
A Girl - A Goon - A Ghost...on a Spree..WHEE! (original poster)
100 WITNESSES WERE PRESENT When Mr. Kluck Was Murdered! See if you can spot the killer in 'DANGER on the AIR" (original poster)
DILLIINGER! KARPIS! MAHAN! CROWLEY! LEGS DIAMOND! All were parole-only to prey again on defenseless men, women and children! (original poster)
Starring Vivita as «Acid Head»...a new name in Horror!
Scrapping - Romancing - Gang-Busting!
Hades-on-the-Border, Where Bullets Speak Louder Than Words!
Welcome to Cost Low #482...One Step Closer to Hell.